5 tips for better mornings
There are healthy habits that i do every morning, and seeing results.
I didn’t know the importance of a morning routine until I started one. I was feeling sleepy and tired during the day. I didn’t want to do anything. My daily duties were getting hard. Then I considered what I did wrong and I made very small changes. Now I get out of my bed easier, I feel more energetic and motivated.
Here are those 5 tips I do for a better day:
#1 Make my bad
The first thing I do morning is make my bed. A messy environment makes it harder to focus on me besides it reminds me that control is on me. Making recognizable changes reminds me that control of my life is in my hand even if it is small.
#2 Hydrate
Drinking a big glass of water starting a new day helps to waking up body. That is sign to say our body we’re starting day. Besides that, stay hydrated is important for faster metabolism and better skin.
#3 Skincare
When I completed my skincare morning in the morning I feel ready for the day. Also feeling clean and pretty motivate me. My easy and quick morning skincare consists of 3 steps. I wash my face, use serum and apply moisturizer.
#4 Journal nal and plan my day
Before start the day, I list my gratitudes. It makes me more calm and help to cope with day’s stress and duties. In addition, planning my day makes me more productivity. If you’re procrastinating your duties all the time, planning your day can make it easier to organize them and get started somewhere.
#5 Move my body
We’ve all been talking about the benefits of exercise for years. I added this healthy habit into my morning routine. Doing exercises for at least 30 minutes in the morning helps me to lose weight and increase my energy.
The key to a good day is a good start. A week ago, I started a 50-day challenge, and ever since I try to not skip these 6 steps. Besides the morning routine, I have other goals for my challenge too. If you are interested, you can read my previous posts.
Thank you for taking the time and reading my post. Finally, if you don’t know where to start and what to change, evaluate how you started your day.