It’s possible to get your dream body at home: Exercise and diet tips
I’m a 26-year-old young woman and I’ve been thinking about how I can do my body better for almost as long as I can remember. Although it is not stable, I have been doing sports since my secondary school years. I did sports and fitness at the gym, did pilates, swam, but I got the body I dreamed of at home.
Over the years, the diet columns in the newspapers, the doctors on TV, and the unconscious advice of gym trainers have only confused me. Achieving a healthy and beautiful body should not be such a complex thing. In addition, it wasn’t, it’s pretty simple.
In this article, I will give you a few tips that work for me to lose weight and build muscle. I’m sure these tips, based on very simple basics, will work for anyone without certain health problems.
Before we talk about what you should do, let’s look at what you should not do. Believe me, even not doing some things will make a big difference.
Don’t Model The Wrong Bodies!
If you are doing sports to have the body of an athlete or model you see on Instagram, I have news for you:
-Almost every model or popular athlete you see is on performance-enhancing drugs,
-At the same time, they manipulate their bodies with plastic surgery,
-They use Photoshop-like applications in all of the photos they upload to social media.
Of course, people whose job is to look beautiful can do these; but if you target this as the result you will get when you do sports, you will not be satisfied. Exercise and nutrition can’t give you everything. But exercise makes you better.
There is No Ideal Weight!
Since the weight on the scale does not reflect the body composition, it does not represent health or aesthetics to us. For example, one of two people with the same body mass index may be quite fit and healthy, while the other may fall behind his potential. Ideal weight calculation does not always say anything meaningful. For this reason, instead of your weight on the scale, you should consider:
-Your fat percentage,
-Your energy level,
-Your strength.
So, What Should You Do to Get Your Ideal Body?
- Exercises tips: Don’t be afraid of weight training.
I was afraid of weighted training because I was thinking that if I used weight while I training I was getting bulky. This is the biggest lesson I learn through my fitness journey. If you have some doubts, don’t be afraid weights. Weights help to take you where you want to be.
Our control over the image of our body is through fat and muscle. When we burn fat and build muscle, our body naturally takes the shape it has. In other words, the things we are interested in while getting the body of our dreams:
1. Having maximum muscle mass,
2. Having a minimum fat mass.
The best work we can do to achieve these is weight training.
If you are overweight: You should eat in a way that burns fat, you should do weight or cardio work 3–6 days a week.
If you are overweight and muscular: You should eat to burn fat and do cardio work 3–4 days a week. If you do not want to increase your muscle mass, you should not do intense weight training.
If you want a strong and curvy body, you need to give importance to weight training and strengthening for a long time (at least 1 year). Don’t give up because you don’t get results right away. This was a mistake I made a lot. Unfortunately, nothing good in this life happens in 1–2 months. Don’t give up, give your body the time it needs. In the first 3 months, you will start to see the change in yourself. In 6 months, you will not recognize yourself!
Find the weights that are ideal for you and start from there. Once you get used to your weights and start not to strain you, increase them. Before the pandemic, I had never trained with weights, and my start was with water bottles. Now I train with 20 kg. Again, give yourself time.
Don’t know what the right exercise is? Take advantage of the treasure called the Internet.
For example:
I like to do my exercise via YouTube videos. It keeps me motivated. When things get harder for me I look at the screen and tell myself if they can do it then why I can’t? It helps me to keep going. Also discovering new moves is always enjoyable for me. Awesome athletes in YouTube makes it possible.
I want to share one of the athletes on YouTube: Caroline Girvan. Today was arms, shoulder and chest day, and I get help from her. The videos I did today:
- Diet tips: Don’t be afraid of eating.
The stress you experience not eating ice cream is more dangerous than eating ice cream. I no longer limit myself rigidly. Creating too many calorie deficits hinders your muscle growth. In order to lose weight, it is recommended to take about 15% of your daily requirement. So starving yourself will prevent you from reaching your ideal body.
My biggest advice to you is to follow your circadian rhythm. If you’re saying what is circadian rhythm, you can find my article on the subject here. There is a large literature on the benefits of circadian rhythm nutrition for weight loss and many health benefits. I will write about that later.
When I eat is more important to me than what I eat. I stop eating early. Evening fasting is the best way to burn fat. Other than that, I can’t tell you things you didn’t know before. Of course, eating vegetables is better than eating fast food. If you follow your circadian rhythm, you don’t have to afraid of eating fast food now and then. Do not eat after sunset. This will make a big difference in you, it will increase your metabolic rate.
I started to pay attention to my sports and nutrition just to have a beautiful body. But it’s not your body that matters. When you start to push yourself physically while doing sports, you discover your limits. Body and mind coordination improves you in many ways.
Your target should never be your body. When you focus only on your body, it is possible not to see the end of the road and give up. Focus on your physical and mental health. We are all beautiful in our own unique way. When you focus on this, you get the body you want somehow.
Thank you for taking the time and reading my post. I hope you find the balance in your life get your dream body. I wish you all the best.
24 days ago I started a 50-day challenge. One of my goals is to share a post on Medium every day. I am very happy to see my followers increase on this journey. I would appreciate it if you would support me and accompany me on my journey. I will back to you. I hope to see you around.