How is going my 50-day challenge so far?

Merve Yılmaz
4 min readJul 29, 2022
Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

Five days ago I determined some habits that I want in my life and challenged myself to do these each day for 50 days. Originally each of goals was created under category like health, academic success, better environment and self improvement.

My goals are:

·Eating clean

· Drinking 2 lt water for a day

· Drinking a cup of green tea for a day

· Working out at least 30 min for 6 day of week

· Keeping gratitude journal

· Praying/ meditating everyday

· Reading at least 10 pages book

· Studying my thesis for at least two hours

·Keeping my apartment clean and tidy

· Taking time my self care (cleaning and moisturizing my face 2 times a day, oral care, dry scrub…)

· Tracking these habits and write about them in medium

I mentioned in my earlier writings about I am not afraid for the first days. The reason that I started this challenge with very powerful motivation and determination. In addition, I believe motivation decrease with time.

For me, motivation is about seeing results and it isn’t possible in the real world most of the time. This is why I chose 50-day, not another period that is usually recommended like 21 or a month for gaining habits.

I don’t expect to see results before 50-day and it’s pushing me to complete this challenge. So I can say that I changed my mindset after all.

I am recording my progress in here medium and the habit tracker that I mentioned in an earlier blog post of mine. I try not to focus on results I try to focus on progress. With this attitude what did I do for achieving my goal let’s look.

For a health lifestyle:

As far as now I completed every workout program I was prepared before starting challenge. I also shared my program here.

Todays was arm day. I want to share workout videos I did today because I find them very effective. Maybe you want to try, too.

When it comes to eating healthy I have to say that it isn’t easy at all for me. I love eating. Eating and cooking are like a hobby for me. However, I am trying to use to stopping eating earlier time of the day. Also, I am shifting my cooking to a healthy one that is also could be delicious. For example, today’s meal was a cold soup that is traditional summer food in Turkey.

Merve’s kitchen presents

For an inner peace:

After wake up and wash my face I am immediately take my gratitude journal. Its first thing that I do in a day. I list 5 things I have grateful for. I am not thinking so much about them I write what it comes first in my mind. They don’t have to be a big things. Sometimes it could be my plants, the coffee I drink or just a weather conditions. Writing my gratitudes boost my energy for starting a fresh new day.

I have another goals to improve my inner peace. These are meditation and praying each day. Even it lasts one minute it helps me to calm down.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

For self improvement and productivity

I decided study my thesis two hours a day. Until today it has been fine but I couldn’t complete my goals today. The reason is that I am waiting my supervisor so that’s not up to me. Still I keep going and that’s matter.

I want to be a reader. That’s why I want reading to become a habit. My goal was to read at least 10 pages every day. Sometimes I couldn’t complete my goal during the day, but then I put my book on my bed and as soon as I got into bed I completed this challenge.

I tried to explain how was fifth day of my 50-day challenge. In my journey there is up and downs but I have not intention to quits. Some days are harder than others but I can see finish lines already.

Wish me luck for me to my journey. Also if you tried challenges like that or want to start let me know. We could encourage ourself.



Merve Yılmaz

• UX Designer •Istanbul Technical University •Top writer in Self Improvement, Health, Life Lessons & Life.