My First Ever UX Design Case Study: A Flower Catalogue App

Merve Yılmaz
8 min readJan 20, 2023


In this article, I am sharing my first case study that I completed during my UX design course with Google. So, let’s dive into the world of UX design with me!

Hi there! Welcome to my first ever case study, where I’ll be sharing my experience in creating a user-friendly flower catalog app. This case study is prepared as part of my Google UX Design course.

I came from another background, which is urban planning. From researching user needs to implementing design solutions, I’ll take you through the entire process and share the challenges and successes along the way. Whether you’re a designer yourself or simply interested in the design process, I hope you’ll find this case study informative and inspiring. So, let’s dive in and discover the art of creating a stunning flower catalog app together!

P.S for the ones who aren’t familiar with th UX Design:
UX Design, or User Experience Design, is the process of designing and developing products, such as websites and apps, that are easy to use and provide a positive experience for the user. The goal of UX design is to create a product that is not only functional but also enjoyable to use, and that meets the needs of the target audience.

Project Overview

The goal of this project was to create a seamless and enjoyable experience for users, from browsing the flower catalog to finalizing the purchase and scheduling the delivery. From researching user needs to implementing design solutions, I’ll walk you through the entire process of creating an app that not only meets the needs of its users but also delights them. Get ready to discover the art of creating a website that makes flower shopping a breeze!

What I Did?

Creating a user-friendly app is no easy feat, but the key is to always keep the user in mind. For this case study, I conducted user research to understand the needs of our target audience, established design goals and created wireframes.

And to ensure the website truly meets the needs of its users, I also made user testing where I gathered valuable feedback and made adjustments to the design.

Problem Statement

When it comes to purchasing and delivering flowers, it can often be a struggle to find the time to do it, especially on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. Traditional flower delivery options may not always offer the customization and delivery options that many people are looking for.

This project was born out of a desire to make the process of buying and delivering flowers as easy and convenient as possible for those who have a busy schedule.

I wanted to eliminate the stress and hassle of finding the perfect bouquet and coordinating the delivery at the right time, so we set out to design a website that provides users with a personalized and seamless experience.


Shortly the main goal of the personalized flower delivery application is to provide a convenient and customizable solution for users to send flowers to their loved ones on special occasions.

User Research

User research is a vital step in the design process, and for this flower catalog application, I wanted to make sure I had a thorough understanding of the needs and preferences of potential users. To gather this information, I conducted both qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Quantitative research involves gathering numerical data through methods such as surveys and polls. For this project, I conducted a survey with 5 participants to gather statistical data on user attitudes and behaviors. This helped me to understand things like what types of flowers users preferred, how often they purchase flowers, and what delivery options were important to them.

On the other hand, qualitative research methods such as interviews and user observations, allow to gain a deeper understanding of user attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. This type of research helped me to gain an insight into user’s thoughts and emotions regarding the flower buying process, and what they expected from a personalized flower delivery application.

Both types of research were crucial in giving me a well-rounded understanding of the needs of our target audience and informing the design decisions made throughout the project.

User’s pain points

User Flow

Creating a user-friendly website is all about understanding the user’s journey and ensuring that the design supports their goals and needs. One of the tools that helps me to do this is the user flow.

A user flow is a diagram that illustrates the steps a user takes to accomplish a specific task on a website or application. It shows the various pages, screens, and interactions that a user goes through in order to complete their goal. For this flower catalog application, I created a user flow that mapped out the process of browsing, selecting, customizing, and purchasing a bouquet of flowers. This helped me to identify any pain points or areas where the user might need additional support and make sure that the design supports the user’s journey every step of the way.

Creating a user flow is a crucial part of the design process as it helps me to ensure that the website or application is intuitive and easy to navigate, and that the user’s experience is as seamless as possible. It allows me to identify any potential issues and make adjustments before any coding or development is done, making it a cost-effective and time-saving method for creating a user-centered design.

User Journey Map

The usability study of the flower catalogue app aimed to understand the user’s experience while browsing and purchasing flowers through the app.

User journay map

I conducted user testing with a diverse group of participants to gather data on their behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions. My findings revealed that the app had a clear navigation structure, but some users struggled to find specific flowers due to a lack of search filters.

Additionally, the checkout process was found to be confusing for some participants. Based on these findings, I was able to make specific recommendations for improving the app’s usability, such as adding search filters and simplifying the checkout process.

Overall, the usability study provided valuable insights that will help improve the user experience for the flower catalogue app.

Usability Study

Digital wireframe & Prototyping

In addition to the usability study, I also created digital wireframes and prototypes to visually communicate the recommended design solutions.

The wireframes served as a blueprint for the app’s layout, detailing the placement of buttons, menus, and other elements. The prototypes then brought the wireframes to life by demonstrating the app’s interactions and animations.

Both the wireframes and prototypes were essential in communicating the design solutions to the development team and stakeholders. They helped to ensure that the final product aligned with the user’s needs and goals, as identified in the usability study.

Overall, the combination of usability study, wireframes, and prototypes allowed me to make data-driven design decisions and create a more user-centered product.

High fidelity protoypes

Accessibility Considerations

Accessibility is an important aspect of any app design, and in the case of the flower catalogue app, I made sure to take this into consideration. To ensure that users with vision impairments could also access the app, I added alt text to images which can be read by screen readers. This allows users to navigate the app and understand the content more easily.

Additionally, I used icons to make the navigation of the app more intuitive and user-friendly. By doing so, users can easily find what they are looking for.

Furthermore, in order to help users understand the designs and to add visual interest, I included detailed imagery of the flowers and toppings available for selection. This not only helps users to better understand the designs but also makes the app more visually appealing. Overall, by considering accessibility and implementing solutions, I aimed to make the flower catalogue app as inclusive as possible.

Takeaways & Next Steps

  • While designing the flower catalogue app, I learned that the first ideas for the app are only the beginning of the process. Usability studies and peer feedback played an important role in each iteration of the app’s designs.
  • In order to continue improving the app, it is important to conduct user testing to gather feedback on the app’s functionality and usability. This will help to identify areas for improvement and make the app more user-centered.
  • To make sure that the app is inclusive and accessible to all, I will conduct usability testing with a diverse group of users. This will help to identify any potential barriers and make the necessary adjustments.
  • Additional features or functionality may be considered based on user needs and business goals. This will help to keep the app relevant and effective over time.
  • In order to maintain the app’s relevance, it is important to have a plan for ongoing maintenance and updates. This will ensure that the app stays up to date and continues to meet the needs of its users.

Overall, the process of designing the flower catalogue app was an iterative one that was influenced by usability studies, user feedback and data analysis. By continuously gathering feedback and making adjustments based on user needs, I believe that the flower catalogue app will provide a great user experience for all.

Also you can access the my case study’s portfolio from here.

I hope that this article has provided valuable insights into the process of designing a user-centered app and that it has sparked your interest in user experience design.

To conclude, I want to thank you for reading my article and for taking the time to learn about the flower catalogue app’s usability study. I would be thrilled to hear your thoughts and feedback on the topic, so please feel free to leave a comment. And don’t forget to give me a clap or two if you enjoyed the read. Thank you!



Merve Yılmaz

• UX Designer •Istanbul Technical University •Top writer in Self Improvement, Health, Life Lessons & Life.